News, Comment and Press Releases

News, comment and press releases from UKSIF.

For press enquiries, please contact or call +44 (0)20 7749 9950 or +44 (0)7745 665400.

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FCA’s Policy Overhauls to Listing Requirements on London Stock Exchange: UKSIF Reaction

FCA’s Policy Overhauls to Listing Requirements on London Stock Exchange: UKSIF Reaction

[11th July 2024, London] This morning the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published its well-trailed series of policy overhauls to the listing requirements for UK PLCs, having been in review / consultation from December 2023. Oscar Warwick Thompson, Head of Policy at UKSIF commented: “It is disappointing to see these new listings rules confirmed by the…

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UKSIF Publishes Letter to PM on Net Zero Strategy With PRI and IIGCC

UKSIF Publishes Letter to PM on Net Zero Strategy With PRI and IIGCC

[London, 8th July 2024] Today, UKSIF in collaboration with Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) published a letter to the new Prime Minister of the UK, Sir Keir Starmer urging him to seize the opportunities of the net zero transition through a renewed policy focus. The letter was…

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UKSIF Calls on All Parties to Deliver Policy Certainty for Sustainable Transition Ahead of General Election

UKSIF Calls on All Parties to Deliver Policy Certainty for Sustainable Transition Ahead of General Election

As the UK enters the final one-month countdown to the 2024 general election, UKSIF CEO James Alexander released a statement addressed to all political parties setting out UKSIF’s hopes for the election: “As the UK’s parliamentary parties are finalising their election pledges, our sincere hope is that each and every party makes realising the opportunities…

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UKSIF and PwC Release Joint Report on Opportunities and Implementation Challenges of The FCA’s SDR

UKSIF and PwC Release Joint Report on Opportunities and Implementation Challenges of The FCA’s SDR

[London, 30th May 2024] UKSIF and PwC today released their report on implementing the FCA’s Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labels rules (the ‘SDR package’). The report identifies implementation challenges that firms are facing, provides recommendations on how to address those challenges, and sets out an implementation roadmap to support asset managers and other…

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UKSIF Research Finds Improved Policies Could See up to £100bn AUM Shifting Towards Sustainable Finance in the UK

UKSIF Research Finds Improved Policies Could See up to £100bn AUM Shifting Towards Sustainable Finance in the UK

London, 15th May 2024 – The UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF), which brings together 300+ members managing over £19 trillion in global assets under management (AUM), today published the final report in the four-part Financing the Future series, looking at the Financial Services sector. Through consultation with member organisations, and in-depth polling of…

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Response to the FCA’s Finalised Anti-Greenwashing Rule and Guidance

Response to the FCA’s Finalised Anti-Greenwashing Rule and Guidance

In April 2024, the FCA published its finalised guidance on the ‘Anti-Greenwashing Rule’.  Following the announcement, Oscar Warwick Thompson, Head of Policy and Regulatory Affairs at UKSIF commented the following: On Anti-Greenwashing rule and guidance “We are pleased to see today’s updated guidance from the FCA on its ‘anti-greenwashing‘ rule which delivers clarity on some areas which…

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UKSIF Calls on UK Government to Provide Greater Transparency on Approach to UK Automotive Industry Transition or Risk Investment Hiatus

UKSIF Calls on UK Government to Provide Greater Transparency on Approach to UK Automotive Industry Transition or Risk Investment Hiatus

87% of the UK transport sector, with approximately £150bn invested in the UK, agree that providing a consistent approach to UK Government partnerships with investors, including producing investment prospectuses for gigafactory sites would have a positive effect on investment into the UK. 57% of major transport companies have said they have or plan on moving…

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UK Housing Sector at Risk of Losing Out on £31 Billion of Sustainable Investment

UK Housing Sector at Risk of Losing Out on £31 Billion of Sustainable Investment

London, Tuesday 19th March 2024 – The UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF), which brings together 300+ members managing over £19 trillion in global assets under management (AUM), has today released a report showing that the UK could potentially lose out on up to £31 billion of private investment. UKSIF polled 100 business decision…

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UKSIF Response to the Spring Budget 2024

UKSIF Response to the Spring Budget 2024

In response to the Spring budget announced by the chancellor in parliament today, CEO James Alexander, issued this comment on behalf of UKSIF. “The Spring Budget included several proposals designed to cajole UK savers and the financial services industry into investing more in the UK. Forcing pension funds to disclose rates of UK investment, or…

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UK’s Green Leadership Under Threat, as Two Thirds of UK Energy Companies Consider Moving Investments Abroad

UK’s Green Leadership Under Threat, as Two Thirds of UK Energy Companies Consider Moving Investments Abroad

London, 26th February 2024 – The UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF), which brings together 300+ members managing over £19 trillion in global assets under management (AUM), has today released a report showing that 63% of UK energy companies have moved, or plan to move, investments out of the UK to a market more…

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UKSIF Responds to Labour Party Announcement Scrapping £28bn in Green Spending

UKSIF Responds to Labour Party Announcement Scrapping £28bn in Green Spending

In response to the Labour party’s announcement that their green public spending pledge of £28bn has been scrapped, UKSIF has issued the following statement from Chief Executive, James Alexander: “The UK has a golden opportunity to be a leader in the green transition and should be making ambitious strides towards sustainable leadership. Whoever forms the…

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UKSIF Comment on FMLC’s Guidance on Climate Change & Pensions

UKSIF Comment on FMLC’s Guidance on Climate Change & Pensions

Today, the Financial Markets Law Committee released their report on the consideration of sustainability factors and risks associated with climate change within the fiduciary duties of pension trustees. You can read the report here: Pension Fund Trustees and Fiduciary Duties: Decision-making in the context of Sustainability and the subject of Climate Change In response to…

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