Financing the Future: Energy

UKSIF's key recommendations to drive private capital into the energy transition

Despite past success and ambitious targets, the UK Energy sector now faces a critical investment gap in its decarbonisation journey. The UK’s recent fall in global rankings and fierce international competition highlight the need for policy reforms to unlock around £115bn in potential investment and secure the UK’s position as a green finance leader.

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Key Recommendations

1. Overhaul planning rules to remove obstacles and reduce the time taken to bring large energy projects online

Streamline the current consenting process for major energy projects by shortening decision timescales

Introduce a legal requirement for five-yearly reviews of National Policy Statements

Update planning regulations to create a more favourable outlook for onshore wind farms

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2. Ensure there is adequate grid capacity to reduce connection times

Enhance the role of the energy regulator (Ofgem) to allow investment into grid build out

Government must urgently publish a Strategic Spatial Energy Plan and a timeline for its delivery

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3. Reform energy pricing mechanisms to incentivise long-term investment in UK low carbon power capacity, including the Contracts for Difference auction process to better support UK supply chain investment

Update the parameters for Contracts for Difference and procure generation based on a capacity basis rather than on budget

Reform CfD parameters to better support UK supply chain investment

Deliver the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) as a priority

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Industry Polling

Results of poll of 100 leaders across the UK's energy industry, collectively turning over £700bn per annum

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