ValueCo is a mission-driven company that aims to explicitly integrate environmental, social and human criteria into corporate performance and market valuations. We seek to develop offers and products based on cutting-edge research, conducted in-house and with academic partners.
ValueCo confidentially collects proprietary extra-financial scores developed internally by professional investors on listed companies. We thus captures the market’s sentiment on a company's sustainability factors and provides more clarity and insight to all stakeholders.
As data contributors, investors have privileged free access to collaborative research initiatives and systematically provide collective feedback to all companies in their investment universe. This way, we can forward both positive and negative feedback from investors to help companies on their transition path, as quickly as possible. Approach
Our approach is based on the provision of augmented and anonymized communication channels to the entire responsible finance ecosystem: asset managers, institutional investors, issuers, research organizations. They get:
- Asset managers: ESG market signals, ratings benchmarks, collective shareholder engagement, extra-financial risks management and reputational risks monitoring,
- Institutional investors: quantitative funds comparison on their ESG strategies, ESG affinity assessment with their pre-selected funds, contribution/attribution analyses of their extra-financial performances.
- Issuers: aggregated market feedback to help them manage their sustainability strategies with regard to investors' expectations.
- Academia: research partnerships on new multidimensional return models that integrate explicitly ESG factors, free access to the ValueCo proprietary scores database.
We leverage our resources to create win-win relationships in the ecosystem. The major innovative aspect of our solution lies in the processes put in place to share with the responsible finance ecosystem confidential data never before communicated. ValueCo acts as a trusted third party to collect proprietary data from market participants. We are the only company to offer collaboration based on the internal scores of asset management companies to capture the diversity of ESG views in the market.