Schroder Investment Management

1 London Wall Place
Greater London
Description We actively manage investment solutions to help build future prosperity. As the world changes, so do our clients’ needs. That’s why we have a long history of adapting to meet the challenges of the times, keeping our focus on what matters most to our clients. We offer innovative products and solutions across a wide range of asset classes, including equities, fixed income, multi-asset, private assets and alternatives. We work with institutional clients, including pension funds, insurance companies and sovereign wealth funds, as well as a variety of intermediaries, including financial advisers, private wealth managers and online platforms. Our client-led approach allows us to deliver for other stakeholders, including our shareholders, people, society as a whole, regulators and suppliers. Approach At Schroders, we see ourselves as long-term stewards of our clients’ capital and this philosophy naturally leads us to focus on the long-term prospects of our investments. We believe successful investment is intrinsically linked to identifying, understanding and incorporating the effects of ESG trends in our investment decisions and ownership. Our integration approach spans the breadth of the ownership lifecycle, from identifying trends and analysing companies to ownership, engagement, voting and reporting. We recognise that different asset classes, strategies or investment universes will require different lenses to most effectively strengthen decision-making. Schroders has been incorporating ESG considerations into our fundamental research and security selection process for over twenty years. Since then, the information and tools available to us, our resources, the depth of our expertise and our approach has evolved, but our commitment has remained the same: to be active owners of the companies in which we invest and to reflect ESG factors as part of our overall investment process. Stewardship is integral to our investment process. We firmly believe that companies which are well governed and operate transparently, responsibly and sustainably, will have the culture to support the long-term health of the organisation and increase shareholder value.