RLAM has primarily focused on providing asset management services to UK clients with all staff being UK based. We offer a broad range of investment strategies across a range of core asset classes including, but not limited to; cash, equities, fixed income, property and absolute return. Within our broad range of equity and fixed income strategies we also offer funds managed using an ethical or sustainable approach.
RLAM is a fundamental component of RLMIS, managing Group assets in addition to successfully providing active investment management services to a wide range of external clients, notably corporate pension schemes, local authorities, insurance companies, charities, endowments, universities, wealth managers and other financial intermediaries. Approach
Royal London Asset Management (RLAM) is committed to being a responsible investor. This means being a good steward of assets and promoting responsible investment with other stakeholders. The aim is to generate sustainable, risk-adjusted returns that reflect a wider understanding of what will drive economic performance in the future. As part of that commitment RLAM seeks to understand environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities within the investment process.
Our approach is implemented through four pillars of practice including stewardship, engagement, integration of ESG factors into investment decision-making, and bespoke ESG solutions for clients. We offer a variety of approaches, solutions and investment strategies to meet the requirements of our clients.
Within our Sustainable Fund range, ESG integration is at the heart of our investment process and ESG issues are taken into account in every investment we select. We invest in companies that meet one of two criteria a) they provide a ‘net benefit to society’, or b) they are a leader on ESG issues in their sector. Companies must also meet a minimum governance standard.
As a business, we recognise we have a responsibility to monitor and manage the ESG impacts of our own operations as well.