Prydis Wealth Scotland
Senate Court, Southernhay GardensExeter
EX1 1NT prydis.com/ethical-investment-scotland/
Prydis Wealth Scotland are committed to providing personalised guidance to help you make considered investment decisions that deliver on your unique ethical and financial goals. Our experts can advise you on how to invest in ethical investment solutions and avoid companies that contribute to worsening global problems.
Prydis Group offers a complete professional services package to businesses and individuals. Due to our expertise in wealth, pensions, accounting, tax and law we can respond more effectively to the needs of each client. Achieving personal and business goals is more difficult and time consuming if you have to talk separately to many different advisers. It is our job to propose the best way forward, assembling the right specialists around one table. Approach
Our ethical investment team in Scotland are members of UKSIF. As members of UKSIF, we are committed to providing personalised guidance on your unique ethical and financial goals. Scott Murray leads our team of wealth performance management experts who can advise you on suitable ethical investment solutions that align with your beliefs and values.
We work closely with all of our clients to ensure that, prior to making any investments, there is a clearly defined investment objective and acceptable level of risk established.
If you are interested in finding out more about ethical investment, contact Scott Murray at scottmurray@prydis.com, or contact our Prydis Edinburgh office to discuss Ethical investments in Scotland.