Navigator Financial Planning Ltd
3b Milltown HillWarrenpoint
Northern Ireland
BT34 3HP www.navigatorfp.com
Our approach to sustainable finance is rooted in a commitment to making a positive impact on both the environment and society. An Accredited Financial Planning Firm, we understand the importance of responsible investment in driving meaningful change. We recognise that fund labels can be misleading, and therefore, we prioritise evaluating the actual impact of the investments we recommend.
Our philosophy is simple: every pound invested should contribute to a better world. Accepting that perfection is elusive in the realm of sustainable finance, we are steadfast in our dedication to progress. We take a meticulous and holistic approach to assessing the companies and projects we invest in, considering not just their environmental sustainability but also their social and governance practices.
You can trust us to align your investments with your values as well as your goals. We use portfolios that not only generate the financial returns you need, but also actively promote positive change. By combining our financial expertise with a passion for responsible investing, we aim to contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future.
Join us on this journey towards a better world through responsible and impactful investment. Together, we can make a real difference.