King & Shaxson is a City firm dating back to 1866 and has been owned by Phillip Capital, Singapore, since 2002. Phillip Capital have offices in 17 countries.
King & Shaxson Asset Management has been managing ethical portfolios since 2002 and it is our sole focus. We offer both bespoke and model portfolios, managed on a discretionary only basis.
The interaction between investment objectives and ethics is very important in portfolio construction, and our heritage means we have an extensive understanding of this. Approach
Our sole focus is managing ethical portfolios and the team are passionate ethical investors themselves.
We have been running ethical bespoke portfolios since 2002. Bespoke portfolios are tailored to both an investment and ethical profile, made possible by our values-based questionnaire.
Our model portfolio service, launched in 2010, abides to a strict ethical and risk mandate laid out in the product documentation. There are ten portfolios available, with performance and risk data independently verified by Financial Express.
We only operate on a discretionary basis and do not offer investment advice. We therefore, work alongside financial advisors (accountants, solicitors), not only to manage portfolios but also to educate and inform about this growing sector and its development.
For further details and information, please contact us at ethical@kasl.co.uk or call 020 7426 5960/07936 368 474