Invesco is an independent investment management firm dedicated to delivering an investment experience that helps people get more out of life. Since investing is all we do, we can focus solely on delivering results for our clients in way that are meaningful to them. We offer a wide range of single-country, regional and global capabilities across major equity, fixed income and alternative asset classes, delivered through a diverse set of investment vehicles. At Invesco, all of our people and resources are dedicated to helping investors achieve their financial objectives. As fiduciaries, our first priority is to protect our clients' interests, and continue building on the foundation of trust we've established while seeking to deliver strong, long-term investment performance. Approach
Invesco is committed to being a responsible investor. We serve our clients in this space as a trusted partner both on specific responsible investment product strategies as well as part of our commitment to deliver a superior investment experience. We signed the UN-sponsored Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2013 and achieved an A+ rating in our PRI assessment for the last three years for our strategy and governance in responsible investment. This rating demonstrates our extensive efforts in terms of ESG integration, active ownership, investor collaboration and transparency. In the UK, we are a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code and achieved a Tier 1 Status for our approach to stewardship. The core aspects to our ESG philosophy include: materiality; ESG momentum and engagement. The diversity of Invesco means that investment centres and strategies will vary in their approaches to implementation of responsible investment. Global resources both in terms of external research input and a global team of experts underpin and drive this effort alongside our investment centres. We are committed to transparency on our responsible investment efforts.