Interface Financial Planning Limited
122 Hamstead Hall RoadHandsworth Wood
West Midlands
B20 1JB interfacefinancialplanning.co.uk/
Our mission has always been to help ‘ordinary’ clients, putting people before profit and making a difference in our client’s lives before financial return.
Alan Moran is strongly principled and highly motivated to do the right thing for his clients, he became a CFP in 1995 and a Fellow of the Institute of Financial Planning, and a Life Member in 1996. He is a Registered Life Planner and he is a trainer for The Kinder Institute of Life Planning. His string of qualifications puts him at the top of his profession. His company is Chartered, an Accredited Financial Planning Firm, and Certified to BS 8577. Approach
We actively engage with clients, regulatory bodies, and all organisations to promote sustainable finance.
A rapidly changing climate represents a potent, unprecedented and irreversible threat to habitats, societies and economies around the globe. In 2015 almost 200 leaders signed the Paris Climate Agreement, committing countries to transition to a lower carbon economy and limit the global average temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial times.
The world faces a serious investment gap in delivering on the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals and public funds will be insufficient to meet these investment needs.
We believe that as independent financial advisers we are ideally placed to actively encourage and promote sustainable investment in the fight against climate change, environmental degradation, and social inequalities.
We are committed to our role in tackling climate change and to supporting responsible growth and enabling the low-carbon transition using sustainable finance. We define sustainable finance as any form of financial service which integrates environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into business or investment decisions. Sustainable finance covers both the financing and the investment activities needed to support the UN SDGs and to combat climate change.