Greenspace Sustainable Financial Planning
Cams HallFareham
PO16 8AB www.greenspacesfp.com
The Greenspace mission is to help the world recover from the environmental catastrophe that we find ourselves in, to help reduce corporate exploitation of people and to promote ethical and sustainable values. We aim to do this through redirection of funding from companies that have a negative impact on the world into companies that are having a positive impact and helping to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We will do this by using the most transparent and sustainably orientated fund managers that we can find. We will engage our clients on key issues and have a positive impact our selves by working with charities and businesses that want to create lasting change. Approach
Greenspace will help clients assess the sustainability of their pensions and investments and encourage and promote the benefits of impact investing for the client and the wider community. We aim to remove funding from companies who have a negative effect on the environment, social and governance issues that plague the modern world. We aim to invest primarily into companies and funds that provide a positive impact and support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Greenspace is a Certified B Corporation and conduct our business to a high ethical and moral standard seeking to leave the world in a better position than when we found it. Great care will be taken to source investment funds that maintain similar standards and can transparently prove their sustainable credentials.
The financial services industry can be at the very forefront of change, we have the power to engage our clients and alter the flow of investments that will send a loud message to the industry that it is time to change.