Gordian Advice helps institutional investors integrate responsible investment into their portfolios & investment strategies by helping them to:
•Understand the ESG, Climate and Sustainability risks embedded in their investments
•Develop beliefs, policies & practices to manage, monitor and report on these risks
•Understand the potential impact of climate and sustainability risks on their strategy
•Develop portfolio alignment, ambitions, and targets
•Improve the Stewardship of their assets
Gordian Advice has worked with clients across corporate DB, LGPS and DC pensions who oversee over £100 bn in assets. Gordian Advice offers differentiated support through partner-level engagement that offers bespoke advice not repackaging to develop market savvy strategies from a prize-winning thought-leader. Approach
I started in sustainability by seeing it as a critical driver of the investment outlook and an insufficiently examined risk. Thus, integrating sustainability awareness provided a double win of improving investment returns and aligning with societal purpose. Moreover, reviewing sustainability risks helped uncover deeper investment principles. It helped focus on the truer longer-term perspective and face up to the complexities embedded in any forward-looking projection.
Researching further led me to insights that I can’t unsee. Financial market projections in my co-authored IFoA paper provide grim numeric validation of the implications of unmitigated climate change. New thinking is required to reshape our relationship with our resources and humanity.
The systemic nature of these risks means that individual actions are not enough. This is a wicked problem with no singular root nor cause – and not solvable by any single action nor person. It will take a collective understanding, a collective consciousness, a collective effort and courage. Courage is needed to reimagine our relationship with people and resources, redefining their interaction with capital.
Leadership is required to forge the collations and understandings so that creating sustainable lies at the heart of the financial industry’s purpose. Sustainable investment professionals should not simply be industry participants but its leadership builders.