Good Green Money Ltd
18, Highwoods ParkBrockhall Village
BB6 8HN www.goodgreenmoney.co.uk
Socially responsible, environmentally positive, financial advice.
Good Green Money is a UK based, independent IFA firm specialising in providing ethical financial advice for the conscientious wealthy. Any investment portfolio that we recommend is not only designed to specifically suit each individual client, but is also invested in such a way as to help society and the planet.
We typically help people:
•planning for retirement (pension tidy up, growing investments, retirement guidance)
•in retirement (income generation, passing on assets, investment management)
•with a cash sum to invest (inheritance, pension cash, windfalls, business sale, career leap)
•with complex affairs (multiple goals, large families, tax concerns, divorce, mental incapacity)
•looking to invest with charitable intent (gifting excesses, managing charity funds, leaving charitable legacies) Approach
Helping people, helping the planet, helping you
As 'Independent Financial Advisers’ (IFAs) we have access to a whole array of investment and pension solutions for clients that are designed both to suit their personal, financial circumstances and goals, but that are also designed to help others and the planet. So the recommended investments may be environmentally positive (for example, investing in green tech or renewable energy, or perhaps in businesses making strides to reduce their carbon footprint), as well as those that take into consideration any people they affect, i.e. their ‘stakeholders’ (for example, staff that they treat well, carefully vetted, responsible suppliers, or perhaps people-positive products that they produce such as cutting edge medical equipment).
To do this properly and to avoid potential greenwashing takes a lot of work, knowledge and collaboration. It is part of our structured advice process to not only focus on providing clients with first rate financial advice which is carefully tailored to their precise situations, but also to draw on a number of external investment professionals, rating agencies and other experts with detailed knowledge and systems in place to help us provide exceptional ethical / sustainable, responsible investments solutions too.