Fundamentum Property Advisers are the Investment Adviser to the Fundamentum Social Housing REIT PLC. We specialise in supplying Supported Housing assets across the UK, in partnership with housing providers for the UK's most vulnerable people. The housing we provide is for tenants within specific interest groups with identified needs, such as learning disabilities, autism or mental health struggles. We strive to continuously supply high-standard, specialist properties which meet the requirements of Local Authority’s needs. We are fully focused on providing socially responsible investment opportunities to our investor base.
ApproachESG principles have consistently been at the centre of our business model, with social impact, environmental care and robust corporate governance forming an integral part of our investment process. Crucially, our investment product provides positive social change by allowing vulnerable individuals to live in a secure and homely environment, creating the opportunity for independent living with appropriate levels of care and support. The investment objective of increasing the supply of Supported Housing, leads to numerous cases of improvement in the well-being of tenants housed. Furthermore, the leases with the housing providers are long term, providing security of tenure to the underlying tenants and a sustainable solution for those housed. ESG data is collected quarterly from partnering housing providers and analysed internally for review. For example, by measuring environmental metrics across the portfolio, we can proactively strive to improve individual assets to be more environmentally friendly.