FTSE Russell is a leading global index provider creating and managing a wide range of indexes, data and analytic solutions to meet client needs across asset classes, style and strategies. FTSE Russell is a pioneer of sustainable investment tools and services with nearly two decades of direct client engagement delivering a range of transparent data models and associated indexes. FTSE Russell also plays an active role in all the major regional sustainable investment industry associations. As a founding signatory, FTSE Russell also helped develop the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
ApproachFor nearly two decades, since the launch of the FTSE4Good Index Series, we have been at the forefront of the accelerating trend towards sustainable investment. Our sustainable investment philosophy and approach is underpinned and guided by four pillars: 1. Supporting capital markets (investors, issuers and intermediaries) in the transition to a sustainable and green economy 2. Facilitating dialogue on sustainability and improving data along the investment chain to help integrate sustainability into financial markets and capital allocation 3. Enabling market participants to integrate sustainability into investment strategies and engagement/ stewardship 4. Championing transparency and fostering both wider access and improved quality of the ESG data available to market participants