Frost Consulting provides research valuation/benchmarking platforms to allow asset managers to maximize research ROI and demonstrate alignment with specific investment strategies agreed with asset owners, including ESG products. Approach
Frost's ESG Research Valuation/Integration Framework allows managers to independently value diverse ESG research inputs including ESG databases that do not lend themselves to document/interaction counting. The highly customizable platform reflects each manager's unique ESG process which serves as a framework to value ESG inputs based on their importance to the manager's ESG methodology. The platform also allows managers to easily integrate ESG factors into non-ESG specialist funds across asset classes.
The platform acts as an overlay and can compliment any existing research valuation system.
The FrostDB Research Database allows both asset managers and asset owners to benchmark strategy research spending across a wide number of categories, including ESG.
Frost is rolling out a more detailed ESG benchmarking series examining both internal and external spend on ESG inputs and how that is changing over time.