FE Investments Ltd
30 Great Pulteney StreetLondon
W1F 9NN www.fefundinfo.com/en-gb/financial-advisers/investment-management/#
FE Investments is a discretionary investment manager, who provide managed portfolio services for financial advisers across the UK. Their investment philosophy focuses on controlling risk and maximising diversification to deliver clients’ investment objectives. This is combined with integrated analysis of environmental, social and corporate governance ('ESG') factors in order to better manage risk and generate sustainable outcomes.
They combine decades of fund data analysis and sector leading technology with the expertise of a dedicated investment team to help clients achieve their investment goals. Since launching in 2015 they have grown to around £4.8 billion of assets under management. FE Investments provide a range of portfolios that are designed to meet the needs and requirements of a diverse range of clients. Approach
FE Investments believe that ESG factors provide a framework for analysis and can therefore be used in a variety of ways.
They adopt an integrated approach to management of ESG risks and therefore embed it throughout the entire process including fund research, portfolio management and stewardship. Within fund research they take a quantitative and qualitative approach by combining external ESG data with analysts' engagement and due diligence of individual fund managers to produce an overall ESG rating. The portfolio management team considers ESG factors through risk management, strategic asset allocation with respect to the regions and asset classes they invest in, and the overall exposure to material ESG related controversies.
Where appropriate ESG will also be used to construct portfolios with a sustainable focus.
FE Investments believe it is part of their fiduciary duty to engage with market participants in order to provoke meaningful change. As a UNPRI signatory they aim to engage collaboratively on specific ESG issues. On a quarterly basis (or more frequently, where required) analysts engage with underlying fund managers on their policies/processes as part of ongoing monitoring to ensure there is sufficient evidence of implementation.