Church Commissioners
Church House31 Great Smith Street
SW1P 3AZ www.churchofengland.org/about/leadership-and-governance/church-commissioners
The Church Commissioners exist to support the work and mission of the Church of England today and for future generations, helping it to remain a Christian presence in every community.
We manage an £8.3bn investment fund in a responsible and ethical way, using the money we make from our investments to contribute towards the cost of mission projects, dioceses in low-income areas, bishops, cathedrals, and pensions. Approach
We hold a diversified portfolio of investments across a broad range of asset classes, consistent with our ethical guidelines.
We are committed to responsible investment. We think that taking account of environmental, social and governance issues in our investment decisions is an intrinsic part of being a good long-term investor.
We are also committed to engagement with the companies we invest in, and have an in-house team dedicated to this task.