We manage investments for charities, religious organizations and the public sector. This is all we do. We believe that good investment management is like a well-tended garden, requiring constant attention, planting and pruning. Founded in 1958, we aim to deliver strong long-term returns and have unmatched experience in providing ethical and responsible investment to charities. We are independently owned by our clients. Approach
The delivery of sustainable long-term returns is a central requirement for our clients, so we assess environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks in conjunction with the financial position of their investments. High ESG risks will count against our assessment of companies and in some cases will be a critical factor in deciding not to invest.
We are a leader in ethical and responsible investment; we received the highest possible grade (A+) in the most recent Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) survey for our approach to stewardship, ESG integration, in both listed equity and property, and our wider responsible investment strategy and governance. We are a ‘Tier One’ signatory to the UK Stewardship Code.
Some charities seek to reflect their values and ethos in their investments and most trustees are conscious that a hard won reputation can be undermined by inappropriate investments. Our pooled funds have ethical investment policies that are driven by the wishes of our clients.
We also help clients with segregated portfolios develop their own bespoke ethical policy. Where appropriate, we include investments which combine attractive financial returns with positive social or environmental impacts.
Our Responsible Investment Report gives greater insight and detail on our approach to sustainable finance.