We are UK and Dutch-based sustainable advisor and investor. We strive to deliver pension solutions that benefit everyone. We help pension schemes make and implement their most important decisions about long-term objectives, investment strategy and risk management. Approach
Cardano’s clients are overwhelmingly pension schemes. Their members and beneficiaries represent a broad swathe of society in the UK and Europe across industries, income levels, age groups and cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
The youngest members of these schemes may be over 50 years away from retirement. Many of them will have families who will live into the next century. We believe that our clients’ members and their dependents should enjoy a quality of life similar to or better than that possible at present.
This should also be in a sustainable and less polluted environment within a fairer society where they can enjoy financial security. We believe we can contribute to achieving this in the way we invest and manage their assets.
Sustainable investment is core to our corporate values and is right for our business, our society and our world.