UKSIF response: APPG on ESG ‘Call for Evidence’ on the UK’s ‘Green Taxonomy’
We are pleased to provide our response to the APPG’s ‘Call for evidence’ considering the UK’s ‘green taxonomy’. Our response reflects UKSIF’s perspectives on the future of the UK’s taxonomy alongside those of our members, many of which have already been reporting on the EU’s taxonomy and making preparations for the incoming UK taxonomy.
In our response, we highlight our latest views on: proposals for a ‘transitional taxonomy’, our opposition to the inclusion of natural gas activities in the UK’s taxonomy, our support for greater recognition of ‘enabling activities’ in the taxonomy, the ‘Do No Significant Harm’ principle, among other areas. We believe it is critical that the incoming government continues to progress at pace the delivery of a robust and science-based taxonomy, informed by the advice of the Green Technical Advisory Group (GTAG), and clarity is needed as soon as possible on the UK’s upcoming approach.
Separately, UKSIF’s CEO and Head of Policy recently gave evidence in person to the APPG, highlighting many of our views from this response.
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