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We are a membership organisation for those in the finance industry committed to growing sustainable and responsible finance in the UK.
Learn moreWe achieve our goals by building a strong and connected UK community, influencing government and regulators, and sharing our collective knowledge of issues and solutions.
Learn moreGlobal economic exposure to fossil fuel asset stranding risk amounts to $2.28 trillion by 2040 The UK’s share of this exposure is $141 billion (£113 billion), which equates to around $3,279 (£2,595) per working adult $19 billion (£15.2 billion) worth of UK pension funds’ fossil fuel assets is at risk of stranding by 2040, which…
Learn moreRead the full press release here: UKSIF Stewardship Code Press Release 19-02-25 [19th February 2025, London. UK.] The UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF) has today submitted their response to the Financial Reporting Council (FRC)’s consultation on their review of the UK Stewardship Code. UKSIF emphasises the importance of the Stewardship Code and its…
Learn moreAlongside our membership, we have long recognised the value that the UK Code brings in helping support long-term value creation in the UK economy that is in the best interests of clients and savers, as well as helping establish a leading standard globally for good stewardship. The Code has successfully led to improved and more…
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